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Finding an Online Personal Trainer: At Home Support for Women over 50

Female trainer  sitting in front of laptop displaying a Zoom split screen of her and her client she is training live virtually.

As a woman over 50 who wants to enhance the quality of your life through improved health and fitness, finding an online personal trainer to work with who understands the unique needs of midlife women can be a game-changer. Great! you may be thinking, but there are SO MANY online personal training options to choose from. I know, it's a lot. So to help focus your efforts and save you time, here are some tips and guidelines to help you decide if an online personal trainer 1) may be a great option for you, 2) how to find one who meets your needs AND 3) who you enjoy working with. 

What is Virtual Personal Training? Custom Live Fitness Coaching Over Video

You don’t need another downloadable PDF that you have to follow on your own and you don't have time to upload and send videos of your form and then wait days for a response. And because it takes so much longer to recover from injuries than it did in your 20s (it's so unfair!), the last thing you want to do is wing-it by DIY'ing your fitness program and risk getting hurt--that's the exact opposite of why you train.

You want a person--a certified fitness professional--to be there with you, guiding you in real time with instant feedback (and kudos!) on the tailored-just-for-you exercises you're performing, and making sure your workouts are challenging enough to make progress without overdoing it. Your program should be designed to protect you from injuries while also increasing your capacity to enjoy an even fuller life with fewer limits.


4 Benefits of Working with an Online Personal Trainer

Convenience & privacy of working out in your own home (no gawking gym bros or unsolicited fitness "advice" from strangers <--the worst) 

One of the most significant advantages of working with an online personal trainer is the convenience it offers. You can train in the comfort and privacy of your home–no crowded gyms, no becoming an “extra” in Ingrid Influencer's social media video or photo, or waiting to use popular shared equipment–making it more relaxed, time-efficient and easier to integrate workouts into your busy schedule. And let's not forget the sick gym member sneezing and coughing their germs around instead of staying away to keep from spreading their illness. Not cool.

Personalization of your workout exercises to meet your goals


A certified personal trainer can tailor your fitness program to your specific needs, taking into account any existing health conditions, injuries, and personal fitness goals. This customized approach ensures that you engage in exercises that are safe, effective and doable. Ultimately, the best training program for YOU is the one that you are both willing and able to do.

Accountability and support to stay consistent and motivated with your exercise program

Having an online trainer provides you with structure, guidance, encouragement and accountability to keep you on track progressing toward your goals. Even when you change environments--your virtual trainer can "come with you" and coach you when you visit your in-laws home or the hotel room on your business trip. This is particularly crucial when you encounter challenges--having strategies for travel, recovering from injury or illness and modifying the program when life gets life-y. The extra support can be the difference between staying consistent or falling out of a workout routine.

Fitness education so you understand what does--and doesn't--work for you

 A significant part of working with a personal trainer is the education you receive about how best to support your body to improve your fitness and health. This knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions about your lifestyle and maintain your fitness levels over time. And if you're curious why your trainer has programmed a particular exercise or made a specific recommendation, ask them! A knowledgeable trainer will always have a thoughtful and educated WHY behind their choices and will be happy to share it with you and answer any questions you have.


How to Find the Right Online Personal Trainer for you

When looking to find a good fit for you and your goals, consider the following:

  • Level of Support: While some online personal trainers offer written programs only, others go a step further by providing pre-recorded video instructions or feedback on videos you record and upload for their review. These can be great options for people who are more experienced exercisers, have minimal musculoskeletal issues, and prefer training independently. However, if you want even more personalized support, look for a trainer who also offers live virtual 1:1 coaching over a platform like Zoom for customized fitness programming plus real time guidance and feedback. 

  • Specialization: Look for a trainer who specializes in working with women over 50. They should understand the physical changes that occur during this stage of life--from hormonal changes to the increased risk of osteoporosis, metabolic disorders and joint issues--and how to design a program that meets YOUR unique needs and progresses you gradually and sustainably toward your fitness goals. If your goal is to get more life out of your years, it's important to work with a trainer who takes a holistic approach to fitness rather than a narrow focus on a specific sport or modality like bodybuilding, powerlifting or pilates. The goals are very different. The difference is that narrowly specific training prioritizes performance in that discipline while midlife training prioritizes health and longevity (and enhances sports and activities you enjoy recreationally).

  • Credentials: Ensure the trainer is certified through an accredited certifying body such as NASM, ACE or NSCA, follows evidence-based practices and has experience working with midlife clients.

  • Compatibility: Your trainer should be someone you feel comfortable with and who communicates in a way that resonates with you. Many trainers offer initial consultations, which can be a great way to gauge compatibility.

  • Testimonials: Reviews or testimonials from other clients can provide insight into the trainer's effectiveness, approach and the quality of their service.

Investing in an online personal trainer can transform your health and fitness. With a personalized program, the right support and the convenience of training from home, you're well on your way to making midlife your best life.

If you’re interested in personalized virtual 1:1 training for active women over 50, check out my program Midlife Fit


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